When should you consider a new home? MABA MassachusettsRealEstate FirstTimeHomeBuyers MaBuyerAgent

As a homeowner, there may come a time when your current home just isn’t what you need it to be. You might be able to update or add on to your property, but that may not be enough to change the circumstances.

In some scenarios, buying a new place is the only viable option. But how do you know when you’ve hit that point?

Here are four situations in which you should consider whether a new place is the right choice.

  1. A Changing Household: Whether you’re having more children, inviting an older relative to move in, or becoming an empty nester, family changes may be a smart reason to buy a new place. At that point, you can choose a home that fits all of your needs.
  2. A New Job: Have you found a new job with a different commute? It might be time to consider buying a home closer to the office. Shortening your commute could make your days more……….

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Heath and Erica

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