Home Wellness Upgrades to Consider MABA MassachusettsRealEstate FirstTimeHomeBuyers MaBuyerAgnet

Your home isn’t just where you eat your meals or lay your head down at night. It should be a place that enriches your life, making you happier, healthier and more fulfilled.

Does your home do those things? If not, you can make some careful additions to change that.

That’s right: Your home could improve your overall health and well-being with these five popular home wellness features.

  1. Air Purifiers: Having a couple of air purifiers in your home can help reduce allergens, promote better sleep and stave off bacteria and viruses. How many you need and where they’re placed will depend on your house’s layout and square footage.
  2. Indoor Gardens: Plants can bring a sense of calm to a space, and some can improve air quality as well. Having a countertop herb or vegetable garden can also make cooking delicious (and nutritious) meals a little easier.
  3. Antibacterial and Touchless Surfaces: You probably want to avoid picking up and………


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