Avoid These Common Homebuyer Regrets MABA MassachusettsRealEstate FirstTimeHomeBuyers MaBuyerAgent

Buying a home is always a big decision, but with higher mortgage rates and rising home prices, today’s homebuyers seem to face even higher stakes.

Want to ensure you buy a house that makes you happy, get a mortgage you can afford, and make the best moves for your future?

Read on to learn some of the most common homebuyer regrets — and how you could steer clear of them.

Regret: Paying a too-high interest rate. A higher mortgage interest rate means a higher monthly payment, which could pose problems if you can’t keep up with it.
Solution: Work on improving your credit score before applying for your loan to try to get a better rate. You can also pay for mortgage points or consider an alternative loan type for a lower interest rate.

Regret: Forgoing an expert’s help. Buying real estate is complicated, especially in today’s market. Not having an experienced negotiator by your side means you may spend more.
Solution: Work with an……..

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