Updating Your Home Insurance Policy MABA MassachusettsRealEstate FirstTimeHomeBuyers MaBuyerAgent
When you buy a house, your mortgage company will require a home insurance policy before closing on your loan.
But home insurance isn’t necessarily a one-and-done deal. You’ll want to reevaluate your policy regularly over the course of your time in the home. This is especially important if you renovate and when home prices or building material costs rise in your area.
Here are a few lesser-known times when you might want to reassess your policy.
- You got a dog. Getting a dog means added liability, particularly with certain breeds, so you’ll want to speak with your insurance agent if you purchase or adopt one. An adjustment can protect you if your new pet damages a neighbor’s property or injures someone at your house.
- You’re starting a business. If you plan to operate a business out of your………
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