From Crazy-Easy to Call-a-Pro, These Are the Winter Fixes Every Homeowner Should Do MABA MassachusettsRealEstate FirstTimeHomeBuyers MaBuyerAgents

 If you live in an area that sees snowfall or freezing temperatures, winter maintenance is an essential part of homeownership. But if you’re a new homeowner, you might find yourself wondering what exactly these tasks are. We talked to general contractor Beth Pointer, owner of Baltimore-based firm Done Construction, for her advice on winter fixes everyone should do–and we ranked them from “crazy-easy” to “call-a-pro.” Regardless of difficulty, these recommendations will save you money and grief by preventing a costly problem down the road. 

Crazy-Easy: Turn off the water to external faucets

If you haven’t done it already, Pointer recommends turning off the……..

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