How Much to Tip Movers After They’ve Hauled Your Stuff MABA Massachusetts RealEstate FirstTimeBuyer

At the end of a long day of packing your possessions, labeling boxes, and fretting about moving everything from Point A to Point B, you might suddenly realize you have no idea how much to tip—you know, those guys who hauled your couch up three flights of stairs, along with all the other stuff you’ve accumulated in your lifetime. How much gratuity is customary for such service?

Generally, 15% to 20% is a customary tip in metropolitan areas, and 10% is on par for smaller areas, according to T.J. Peterson, digital marketing manager of Oz Moving & Storage, based in New York City.

Do you have to tip movers?

Yet tipping movers, like tipping any service worker, is a matter of discretion. In other words, if your movers took extra care when lifting boxes onto the truck or carefully wrapping your grandmother’s mantel clock, then show your appreciation with a nice gratuity. If the movers treated your possessions like junk, there’s no obligation to tip them at all.

“If you’re unhappy with your experience, you’re…………..

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