Two Reasons Why Waiting To Buy a Home Will Cost You MABA Massachusetts FirstTimeHomeBuyers RealEstate
If you’re a homeowner who’s decided your current house no longer fits your needs, or a renter with a strong desire to become a homeowner, you may be hoping that waiting until next year could mean better market conditions to purchase a home.
To determine whether you should buy now or wait another year, you can ask yourself two simple questions:
- Where will home prices be a year from now?
- Where will mortgage rates be a year from now?
Let’s shed some light on the answers to both of these questions.
Where Will Home Prices Be a Year from Now?
Three major housing industry entities are projecting ongoing home price appreciation in 2022. Here are their forecasts…………..
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"No amount of reading or web surfing can equal having a competent professional advising you and looking out for your interests. I do not understand why anyone would buy a house in MA without a MABA buyer's broker."
- Samantha and Brendan, Purchased a home in Marlborough, MA 2012
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