Turn the Page! These Book-Decor Trends Are Just Plain Silly: Maba Massachusetts RealEstate HomeDesign

Once upon a time, long before podcasts or Feedly came along, people spent much of their free time devouring the wisdom found in books! Today, many tomes serve purely as home decor. Instagram feeds are loaded with ways to make them shine—stacked on coffee tables, color-coordinated on shelves, wrapped in paper, and more.

It makes sense, to a certain extent.

“Americans don’t read as much. Almost a quarter surveyed said they hadn’t read a book, even part of a book, in the past year,” shares Kara Harms, design blogger at Whimsy Soul.

Still, lately, I’ve noticed that some of the most viral book-decor fads have taken things a tad too far.

If you read books at all, even just the occasional juicy novel on vacation, you will see what I mean once you check out some of these book-decor doozies below. As nice as they look on Instagram, they just don’t work in real life.

1. Shelving books so you can’t read the spine

The worst offender? The…………………

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