How to Handle FSBO Real Estate Taxes Like a Pro #MABA #Massachusetts #RealEstate #FirstTimeHomeBuyers

Paying Real Estate Taxes

It’s safe to say that no one likes to think of taxes unless it’s April 15th and you’re expecting a return in the mail. But those involved with For Sale By Owner (FSBO) transactions should be able to know their way around real estate taxes. Not only are they saving the 6% they would normally spend on a realtor, it’s essential for making the most out cash of your sale.

Real estate taxes are an unfortunate reality, but the funds go directly towards the places where you live and work. This includes local parks and schools, street repairs, and water systems just to name a few. Rates will vary depending on the city or county you live in, so before you close on an FSBO deal, it’s best to do research beforehand to get an accurate estimate. Real estate taxes are……………….

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