How Much Will My Closing Costs Be? MABA Massachusetts RealEstate FirstTimeHomeBuyers
This is a question both buyer and seller ask themselves, once the sale of a house is in its final stage. We are talking about the fees that have to be paid to the third parties for their help in facilitating the sale of a home. As you might have expected these fees can vary a lot depending on the location of a house you’re buying or selling. There are no rules, but you can expect for these closing costs to be anywhere between 2% and 7% of the house’s total purchase price.
Both buyer and seller had to participate in covering the closing costs. However, a buyer will have to pay from 3% to 5% of the total home’s price. That’s considerably more compared to seller’s one up to 3%. Either way, the closing costs have to be covered before the house is sold officially. Very often, buyers and…………….
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Buyer’s Agents Explained
This book is an excellent first step in a complicated process.
Buying a home is like buying a car, on steroids. It’s the biggest investment you are likely to make so the stakes are incredibly high. I knew that having an agent represent me was a good idea.
What I hadn’t grasped was how important it is to find one who is not connected with the selling side in any way—through an agency that also represents sellers, as most do, at least in Mass. In researching buyer agents, I found Tom through the Mass. Assoc. of Buyer Agents (MABA).
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