Basic Real Estate Terms You Must Know MABA Massachusetts RealEstate HomeBuyers

Every subject and industry is susceptible to developing its own lingo, and real estate proves to be no different. When you first join the market, it can be a bit confusing when it comes to understanding the terms that people with it are using. 

It would be in your best interest to have a general understanding of some of the basic real estate terms, so that you’re able to get things done smoothly and avoid facing any sort of trouble.

Fortunately, we’ve compiled a list for you, which covers some of the most commonly used, yet most simple, real estate words.


Check out these frequently used real estate terms to get you speaking “real estate lingo



Amortization is the process of combining of principal and interest through regular payments, as opposed to paying it all off at the beginning of the process. This is done over a great deal of time.



Prior to receiving a loan from the………..

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