Most Common Repairs Needed After a Home Inspection MABA Massachusetts RealEstate FirstTimeHomeBuyers

Property owners schedule home inspections when selling their home and when planning home improvement projects. Home inspections reveal issues and determine if the property is up to code. When issues are discovered, they can delay a property sale.

Property owners who are ready to sell or want to improve their home review what they need to know about the ten common repairs needed after a home inspection.

1. Roofing Damage and Displaced Materials
Roofing damage and displaced materials are the most prevailing issues found during an inspection. Displaced shingles should never be ignored, and homeowners who don’t schedule repairs immediately sustain more damage.

After the inspection, the property owner must order the repairs quickly. When reviewing their options, homeowners can learn more about how to negotiate home inspection repairs now.

2. Improper Drainage and Dampness
Improper drainage and dampness indicate that the……………….

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