Millennial Mortgage Tips MABA Massachusetts RealEstate Mortgage

Millennials have generally been slow to enter the housing market. The fact that starter homes are far from abundant these days has also kept millennials stuck in the rental market. Is owning a home out of reach for millennials? Rising home prices, a shortage of housing, and soaring student debt have made buying a home harder for this generation—but it’s still far from impossible. If you’re a millennial looking to buy a house, here are five things you can do to make that dream come true.


  1. Knock out some unhealthy debt before you apply

You may not have the option of paying off your student loans in their entirety before buying a home — but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t aim to knock out some credit card debt. The lower your existing monthly debt payments are, the more likely you…………

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Changes in Massachusetts Real Estate Law & How they Effect the Consumer:


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