Our Best Tips and Advice to a Successful Moving Tips for Home Buyers Our Best Tips and Advice to a Successful Moving MABA Massachusetts Moving FirstTimeHomeBuyers
Be thrifty, find free moving boxes. A great source of packing boxes of all sizes is your local chain supermarket. Supermarkets have the quickest turnover with stock. Those boxed items get unboxed usually right away. Find out what day they receive shipments and come that evening or early the next morning. They are more than happy to get help in getting rid of their “junk boxes.” Don’t forget – one person’s trash is the next person’s treasure- and with the money you’ll save on buying boxes, we’re sure you will treasure the free ones!
Bins, Hampers, Baskets, Oh My!
Having a hard time gathering up free durable boxes? Cut down on the box search and utilize………..
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- Samantha and Brendan, Purchased a home in Marlborough, MA 2012
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