How To Inspect Pre-Installed Appliances When Buying A House FirstTimeHomeBuyers MABA Massachusetts RealEstate

Pre-installed appliances exponentially increase the value and asking price of a home. However, you might not realize that the machines you paid for are not fully functional until it is too late. This is why before buying a home, you need to inspect the condition of any pre-installed systems or appliances. This will help you negotiate for the right price, and find out whether you will have to replace these appliances or not. Each appliance is examined differently before being deemed usable, and most buyers actually hire an inspector to assess the condition of each appliance. In case you want to do it yourself, here’s how you can inspect pre-installed appliances when buying a new house.


If the home you consider buying comes with a refrigerator, then you need to check how well it cools food. To get a better idea of its condition, take your time looking at both the exterior and interior of the appliance for any dents. You will also want to check each shelf for any defaults that may affect future use of the fridge. You can find out if there were past water leaks by examining the bottom and back of the refrigerator.


It is important to be careful when checking a pre-installed oven, especially if……..

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