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Buying a Home in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Homebuyers: Beware the Open House Agent

That “Open House” sign in the neighborhood you love beckons you in. This is exactly the home you’ve been looking for, priced in the ballpark. Your enthusiasm is evident and there is a gleam in the hosting agent’s eye as she perceives your interest. She offers to help you purchase this property or one of the many others she knows in the area.

What do you do?

    a.) Say you’ll think about it and take her card
    b.) Sign her up as your agent
    c.) Smile politely, walk out and find a Buyers Agent to represent you.

The answer is “C.” Many homebuyers, especially first timers, make the mistake of working with a seller’s agent, thinking that the agent will work hard to push the deal through. The seller’s agent will work hard, but primarily on behalf of the seller. This is a very common, completely legal and very detrimental practice to you as a homebuyer.






Buyer’s Agents Explained

"There's one final thing we don't understand. Why WOULDN'T potential home buyers work with a MABA agent instead of a regular seller's broker?!"

Elizabeth and Jason

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