What to Do if You Can’t Find a Home? MABA Massachusetts HomeBuyers RealEstate

Finding a home in a hot market can be challenging: Supply is limited, and bidding wars are common with demand so high. 

You may find yourself up against dozens of buyers, making it hard to snag the home — and at a price you can afford.

It’s important not to lose hope, though. Despite the competitive market, there are ways to find (and buy) your dream home.

Are you having trouble with your home search? These tips might help:

  • Get pre-approved for your mortgage. Having pre-approval is critical in a………..

To read more click the link https://kathymahoney.myhomehq.biz/single-newsletter/what-to-do-if-you-cant-find-a-home

Selecting the Right Homebuyer's agent

home buyer agent photoUnlike most other real estate agents, a MABA home buyer's broker never represents both a buyer and seller in the same transaction so you never have to worry whether a MABA agent is really looking out for your best financial interests. A MABA buyer's agent acts as your advocate, real estate educator, advisor and negotiator, always loyal to you and dedicated to helping you find and buy the best home with the best terms at the price and showing you which homes to avoid along the way.

Fewer than one percent of the agents and brokers in Massachusetts meet our high standards. 

Whether you are ready to buy now or just beginning your home buying journey, click here to choose a Great Buyer's Agent to answer all of your home buying questions!  


Buyer Agency in Massachusetts Explained in this must see video:

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