GBAR contributes $25,000 to the Realtors Relief Foundation’s 20th Anniversary Campaign: Massachusetts Homeowneerhsip Homebuyers

 The Greater Boston Association of Realtors has made a $25,000 contribution to the Realtors Relief Foundation‘s 20th Anniversary Campaign, making them a 2021 Legacy Club supporter. Founded in 2001, the RRF began when the National Association of REALTORS® made a $1 million donation kicking off a fundraising drive for families impacted by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. That drive raised $8.5 million. To date, the RRF has distributed more than $33 million in housing assistance to 17,000 families following both natural disasters and other property-loss causing events.

 Dino Confalone, 2021 GBAR president, said the Realtors Relief Foundation has made a tremendous impact on lives impacted by disaster and “we are pleased to support its work as a shining example of how Realtors give back to the communities in which we live and work.” “Locally, this grant caps a record year of charitable giving for our association, in which we distributed over $64,000 in charitable and educational grants to housing and homeless assistance organizations, civic groups and local high school students,” he said in a press release.

 NAR CEO Bob Goldberg said the Realtors Relief Foundation is something everyone in the Realtor community can be proud of. “Our members work every day to help their clients find a home, but in some of the darkest times, Realtors are also there to help families stay in their homes through all of the incredible work done by the RRF,” he said.

The post GBAR contributes $25,000 to the Realtors Relief Foundation’s 20th Anniversary Campaign appeared first on Boston Agent Magazine.






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