Renovating? Why your insurance needs an update, too

Americans spent a projected $338 billion on home improvements in 2020.

After a major remodeling project, your home is likely worth more. Find out more about protecting your investment at

Grounded by the pandemic, many housebound homeowners (at least, those who could afford it) spent the past year improving their living spaces, whether they were converting basements into boardrooms or transforming backyards into makeshift family resorts. Despite a COVID-ravaged economy, Americans spent a projected $338 billion on home improvements in 2020, according to Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, a 3.4 percent increase over 2019.


"The MABA agent helped us find the perfect home for us at the right price and we felt extremely good about the final deal."


Heath and Erica

Selecting the Right Homebuyer's agent

home buyer agent photoUnlike most other real estate agents, a MABA home buyer's broker never represents both a buyer and seller in the same transaction so you never have to worry whether a MABA agent is really looking out for your best financial interests. A MABA buyer's agent acts as your advocate, real estate educator, advisor and negotiator, always loyal to you and dedicated to helping you find and buy the best home with the best terms at the price and showing you which homes to avoid along the way.

Fewer than one percent of the agents and brokers in Massachusetts meet our high standards. 

Whether you are ready to buy now or just beginning your home buying journey, click here to choose a Great Buyer's Agent to answer all of your home buying questions!  


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Article From: " Real Estate Jon Gorey - Globe Correspondent"   Read full article

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