Short Sale Stalemate: Does the Previous Owner Have Rights to Property Left Behind? #Massachusetts #HomeOwnership #MABA

Short Sale Stalemate: Does the Previous Owner Have Rights to Property Left Behind? #Massachusetts #HomeOwnership #MABA

Short Sale Stalemate: Does the Previous Owner Have Rights to Property Left Behind? Massachusetts HomeOwnership MABA  If you successfully closed on a home through a short sale, major congratulations are in order. Short sales generally mean a homebuyer has scooped up a...
A Homebuyer’s Guide to Offers and Winning a Bidding War: #Massachusetts #MABA #HomeOwnerhsip

A Homebuyer’s Guide to Offers and Winning a Bidding War: #Massachusetts #MABA #HomeOwnerhsip

A Homebuyer’s Guide to Offers and Winning a Bidding War: Massachusetts MABA HomeOwnerhsip  There are signs that the housing market is easing off the record-high prices it’s seen during the past few years, but bidding wars for homes are far from over especially in...
Design Fails New Homeowners Make With Their Yards, Decks and Patios: #MABA #Massachusetts #HomeOwnersip

Design Fails New Homeowners Make With Their Yards, Decks and Patios: #MABA #Massachusetts #HomeOwnersip

Design Fails New Homeowners Make With Their Yards, Decks and Patios: MABA Massachusetts HomeOwnersip  Homebuyers who actually manage to land their dream house in today’s crazy market are understandably excited to make it their own. And now that the weather’s warmed...
Lights Flickering in House? What’s Normal and What Indicates a Serious Problem: #Massachusetts #MABA #HomeOwnerhsip

Lights Flickering in House? What’s Normal and What Indicates a Serious Problem: #Massachusetts #MABA #HomeOwnerhsip

Lights Flickering in House? What’s Normal and What Indicates a Serious Problem: Massachusetts MABA HomeOwnerhsip  Has this ever happened to you: you’re using your hairdryer and suddenly the lights in the bathroom start dimming? Or you’re reading in the living room and...
Things Every First Time Home Buyer Needs to Know: #Massachusetts #MABA #HomeOwnership

Things Every First Time Home Buyer Needs to Know: #Massachusetts #MABA #HomeOwnership

Things Every First Time Home Buyer Needs to Know: Massachusetts MABA HomeOwnership  Here’s what every first-time home buyer needs to know to dive into house hunting with confidence and with as few curveballs as possible. Whether it’s getting a mortgage, choosing a...
Super Hot Home Trends That, TBH, Just Don’t Make Sense: #Massachusetts #HomeBuyers #MABA

Super Hot Home Trends That, TBH, Just Don’t Make Sense: #Massachusetts #HomeBuyers #MABA

Super Hot Home Trends That, TBH, Just Don’t Make Sense: Massachusetts HomeBuyers MABA  Once a home trend gets started, it gains momentum and snowballs. A clue that it’s happening is when you see the same design elements appearing everywhere you look. As certain looks...
What Stays With a House When You Sell It. #Massachusetts #HomeOwnership #MABA

What Stays With a House When You Sell It. #Massachusetts #HomeOwnership #MABA

What Stays With a House When You Sell It. Massachusetts HomeOwnership MABA  When standup comedian Nathan Brannon moved into his newly purchased home in rural Washington state, it seemed the joke was on him: The previous owner had left the pegboard on the garage wall,...
What Is Real Estate Due Diligence? Find Out What to Do Before Buying a Home: #Massachusetts #HomeBuyers #MABA

What Is Real Estate Due Diligence? Find Out What to Do Before Buying a Home: #Massachusetts #HomeBuyers #MABA

What Is Real Estate Due Diligence? Find Out What to Do Before Buying a Home: Massachusetts HomeBuyers MABA  Once you make an offer on a home and it’s accepted, there’s a process lasting a few weeks before you close the transaction. During this window of time, buyers...
Could You Handle Living in a Tiny House To Save Money? Here’s How To Find Out: #Massachusetts #HomeOwnership #MABA #MassachusettsRealEstate

Could You Handle Living in a Tiny House To Save Money? Here’s How To Find Out: #Massachusetts #HomeOwnership #MABA #MassachusettsRealEstate

Could You Handle Living in a Tiny House To Save Money? Here’s How To Find Out: Massachusetts HomeOwnership MABA MassachusettsRealEsta  With home prices high and downsizing on the upswing, a growing number of Americans are pondering what it might be like to live in a...
Ways To Upgrade Your Outdoor Space for $100 or Less: #Massachusetts #MABA #MassachusettsRealEstateAgent #HomeOwner

Ways To Upgrade Your Outdoor Space for $100 or Less: #Massachusetts #MABA #MassachusettsRealEstateAgent #HomeOwner

Ways To Upgrade Your Outdoor Space for $100 or Less: Massachusetts MABA MassachusettsRealEstateAgent HomeOwner  The sizzle of summer is in full effect, and the priority for most homeowners seems to be replicating the spirit and convenience of the indoors, outside....

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